Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thank God

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)

Bersyukur banget waktu ngeliat pengumuman SNMPTN Tulis 2012 tanggal 6 Juli 2012 kemarin. Yap, tepat banget sama perayaan Jumat Pertama untuk bulan Juli. Gue memutuskan untuk ke gereja dulu dan setelah itu baru berani ngeliat pengumuman. Deg-degan banget waktu buka pengumumannya, gue log in sambil gemeteran dan berdoa semoga gue bisa tabah menerima apa pun hasilnya.

Dan ternyata Tuhan udah kasih yang terbaik buat gue, Sosiologi - Universitas Gadjah Mada. Gue sangat bersyukur atas semua anugerah ini, gue ngerti banget gimana rasanya kita harus berpasrah untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan. Akhirnya gue bisa membanggakan kedua orang tua dan ngga memberatkan mereka dengan biaya kuliah yang lebih mahal di universitas lain. Di dalam hati gue juga berdoa untuk temen-temen gue lainnya yang masih terus berusaha melalui jalur SIMAK UI dan ujian mandiri lainnya, semoga temen-temen gue bisa mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik, God bless them!!! :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Graduation Day

Seeing the title, guess I am a bit late but I don't want to skip to post about one of my big days in my life. Yeay, graduation day! All of 2012 folks may wouldn't believe that they were really graduated since they thought that they've just started the journey in senior high school, stepped in 10th grade, felt the new atmosphere, had good bond with tests, remedials, and so on. Okay let's just be friend with reality: I was graduated from my school, SMAN 42 Jakarta on 6th June 2012! time flies by really fast, people, really FAST.

By the way, I really love my make up and hair do. I choosed not-so-simple make up cause this was a big day, so I decided to do this at salon. I'm happy I have bigger eyes there! For the kebaya, I choosed simple purple brocade kebaya and batik sarong for the bottom. And, all of my girlfriends looked so wonderfully beautiful in their kebaya :)

My Friends and Me :-)

with my best woman in the world:

Monday, June 4, 2012

New Rainbow

"I don't wanna give up on you"

There was a big answer in that last piece of Rainbow Cake.
Thank you, you really got me now :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

5 random things

Finally found my mood to blogging again. geez it feels like I wrote this post few days ago when it was the start of my 3rd year in High School, and now I'm (almost) in the end of it. I have so many experiences between. from the sweet to sour things!! yeah haha it sounds classy but it's pretty true. this is the year when I got down, did my best struggle, found emptiness, then happiness, and finally built my self again. here are what I've been through:

1. The Breakup
It was the saddest story ever, but at least I've experienced and learn. Let past be the past. I've beautifully turned the lights on! Yeay :D

2. Delvignite
I love how the spirit arranged into a beautiful moves and make people happy. Thank God I found my self in Delvignite in Felquatro Dance Empire Family, when dance is not just about dance, but it's also about how you cope yourself in a team, put your big loyal, spirit, and efforts. I love how FDE really made us feel like a big family. the pict below was when we followed dance competition together with Frivlouz, this was also Delvignite debut.

3. Dad
A lil sad when I can't see him in home for a year ahead, ahh.... you're the best, dad <3 well, goodluck dad for your study! we miss you already.

4. Crazy Classmates

Wohooo they are my best mood booster at school!!!!!!!!! they can easily make me laugh for minutes long hahahaha thank you guys =D

5. My girls

and still, the girls who always be my best! :*

[send kisses from the middle of school's final exam, xoxo]